Q + A


ice skating on a frozen lake in Engaløya, Norway


Where Are you from?

A simple question with a not-so-simple answer. Usually I say something like this, “I am half American, half Irish but I grew up in South Korea, Thailand and Germany.” Sometimes I add things like, “I moved every three years following my dad’s job” or “I had never lived in America until university” or “I’m not really from one place.”

how do you afford to travel?

I fund my all of my own travels. Sometimes I get the feeling that people think my parents might be footing the bill, but that is not so. However, my parents do provide me with several other fundamentals that contribute to my ability to travel. Such as health insurance (for one more year, thank you Obama) and the knowledge that if I were ever stuck somewhere whether by circumstance or finances they would rescue me. Most significant of all, their dual nationalities have gifted me an Irish and American passport, with enables me to travel freely.

Favorite place so far?

Engaløya, Norway / Steigen, Norway

what is next on your list?

Nepal + Alaska + Mexico

More realistically I might be moving to the west coast this year and if so, will be excited to travel out there: volcanoes for climbing, big sur, crater lake and all the national parks. I haven’t spent much time traveling in the US and I am looking forward to it because there is so much to see.

where do you live?

Nowhere in particular. Brooklyn, NY feels like a home because my biggest sister and brother in law live there. Ann Arbor, MI feels like home because most of my best college friends are still there. But San Francisco has also always called to me, the city my family lived in before we first moved abroad to Thailand. A friend’s mother once called me a child of the universe. I can’t say that without laughing as it is utterly granola sounding, but she is kinda right.

How old are you?


What did you study in university?

I majored in Anthropology and recently applied to UCSF’s Graduate program in Midwifery / Women’s Health NP. I will find out if I have a spot in Feb ‘20.

what camera do you use?

Sony a6300, but I use my iPhone 8 a lot. I am an armature photographer, it is my hobby and while I think I can take a good picture they are not professional by any means.

Right now I am a happy armature and maybe one day will go pro. That being said, if I upgrade to the newest Iphone have you seen that built in steady cam. Quality.

If I didn’t want to be a midwife, I would want to be a National Geographic and BBC wildlife photographer + videographer…but wouldn’t we all want to do that!


more questions welcome!


by lily