Roll #10
Goat Lake To North Petunia peak
Something I’ve been thinking about lately is the sport of photography. There is the art: the composition, the light, the colors, the curating, the taking of. But then there is the sport: the travel, the journey, the trek, the climb, the making of. Behind every photograph is a human who has gotten themselves to that place or that moment or in front of that subject, to take that photograph.
Obvious, I know, yet mulling this over has helped me to understand why photography is my medium of choice; it combines my desire to be moving, exploring, seeing with documenting and story telling. Even better, this has made me feel more of an agent in my photo making.
As an amateur I am still learning the art form, I leave my camera in program and let the automatic settings do the work. I do not fully understand all the manual components, especially on the fly, and therefore, my agency is lessoned by what remains unknown to me. Even if I like a photograph I take, sometimes I am left thinking, well I just held the camera and pressed a button.
However, understanding that half of a photograph is the act of putting ones self in a place where a good photograph my occur helps me to feel the tiniest bit more involved in the process of making a photograph. My technical knowledge of photography is limited, but when it comes to the sport, I am tough, unassumingly so, as told to me by the woman who accompanied me on the two day hike documented on this roll of film.