On Turning 25

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I love November.

Probably because my birthday falls in the middle of the month, but my attachment is more than just the one day. Every year the month of November feels like a homecoming. I feel security in myself and a sense of support form the universe so strong, it is almost tangible.

On the 16th I turned 25, and it was not nearly as scary as I anticipated.

I had a pretty introspective end to 24. Realizations criss crossing the many facets of life. The most profound being that in the next year I would like to prioritize life outside of travel and adventure. Things like having a community. Making a little home somewhere with lots of plants, where I bake bread on Sundays. Hopefully located in the bay area, though for the sake of fantasy I am completely ignore the finances of that, and you should too. Maybe focusing more on love & relationships. Maybe working as a birth doula while applying to my dream midwifery program. Maybe getting into said midwifery program.

At the foundation of all that, well just that a foundation. Roots. Community. Friendship. Partnership. Home in the physical sense and the less physical. Slowly my cravings for travel are evolving into ones looking for something else. For comfort and a feeling of belonging.

A few things I would like to learn and practice this year:

be more present // live in the moment

be more generous with my money

support artists I love by paying for their art

read more, always read more

learn more about photoshop and video editing

take more pictures

make some videos of traveling

take myself more seriously

be kinder to myself

apply to midwifery school

work on this space more

I anticipated feeling old standing on the edge of 25. Silliness to everyone older and wiser than I, but 25 is significant. I don’t feel old, but instead I am hyper aware of time. Not in an old or young kinda way. In a time is moving very fast kinda way. It is wild to think of how my younger self perceived 25 to be. I think I anticipated reaching this feeling of “adulthood” at 25, maybe a state of mind of “adulthood”. But now I’m not so sure that ever happens. Maybe we are all children having children?

Astrologically, I have been in my element this scorpio season. Feeling confident, secure, supported. I am excited for the future, for transformations and for unknowns to unfold.

I read something yesterday and really resonated with me: “Now that jupiter enters sagittarius for the next 13 months, you’ll be able to apply all the enlightening lessons from the past 13 months, and keep growing and expanding your horizons. Jupiter feels at home in sagittarius and it often increases our natural joy for life, helping us let go of anxieties and fears. This transit will still have its ups and downs, as all transits do, but you’ll definitely be feeling high off life more often. View this next year as the ultimate field trip for your inner child. Explore new places, discover new people, create new lifestyles. Whatever your heart is yearning for, gift yourself that. You’ve stepped into a new reality. Jupiter in Scorpio has given you wings. And now, it’s time to fly.” - @ScorpioMystique’s Daily Horoscope

All in all, 25 feels good.

Lily Angell