Sunset In Port Townsend
This year my parents moved to Port Townsend: a small town on the Olympic Peninsula, across the Puget Sound from the greater Seattle area. It seemed a random place to me at first, but after visiting and eventually staying for many months to ride out the pandemic, Port Townsend began to make sense. The town is the perfect size, not too small or big, and its location offers proximity to both sea and mountains, the Strait of San Juan to the north and the Olympic mountains to the south. A rain shadow graces this town with significantly more sunshine than other places in the region, a beautiful beach stretches for miles along the coast for walking, cold swimming and maritime sports.
These photos are from a winter sunset witnessed last year while I was living in Port Townsend. There is no better night cap or evening ritual than seeking out the sunset, an opportunity to get a little fresh air before, to move and be outdoors one last time before settling into bed. This evening was a dramatic one with high winds, crashing waves, and layers of dark clouds changing by the minute as the sun crept towards the horizon, sending its light wake up the other half of the world. I love stormy weather like this, especially at the end of the day, I find it refreshing and cleansing, clearing away the cobwebs of my mind.
views from north beach
views from the bluffs
here you can see the olympic mountains tumbling down to meet the sea
the end.