Posts in The W Trek
Log Four: The W Trek

Our alarms both went off at 4:30 am. In perfect unison we reached for our phones and stopped the alarms. It was pitch black outside and cold. I laid lovely and warm in my sleeping bag, waiting for Alex to get up and begin getting ready, if she moved I would too.

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Log Three: The W Trek

Today we were heading from east Camp Italiano to Camp Central, a section of trail that is approximately 14 kilometers and moderate. This part of the trail followed along Lago Nordenskjöld, an incredibly beautiful body of water. Its color was the the same glacial turquoise as Lago Pehoé, the lake we had traveled across by boat on our first day.

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Log Two: The W Trek

It was raining when we woke, and very cold. Neither of us had slept well and water had seeped into Alex’s tent during early morning when the rain began. Alex’s tent was an oldie, borrowed from her parents. It was bright green, weighed a ton and was now very wet.

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Log One: The W Trek

At 7am my new friend and hiking partner for the next four days, Alex, and I met at the Puerto Natales bus terminal. Along with many other tourists we boarded one of maybe ten buses heading for Torres Del Paine National Park.

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