October Muses
a few favorite things from this week: Videos I’ve watched, articles read, songs & podcasts listened to. Sharing things I might be coveting, research I might be doing. These posts will be loggs of my interests & collections of things that inspire me.
My words fill the gaps between links, “my favorite moment” is a personal photograph, but nothing else is my own work. Enjoy!
- Favorite moment -
It was my day off & i had taken full advantage of it. I slept in, made a nice breakfast, then set out in a kayak for the day. I paddled around in perfectly wave-less waters, parked up on a beach for a while, despite falling out of the kayak into a foot of water but no day is perfect.
In the evening I traded in my kayak for the motor boat to take a short trip to the mainland. I planned to check out the raspberry bushes, hoping for some sweet ones despite summer’s end.
On the way I walked by this near perfect reflection.
- Favorite Videos -
a collection of stories showing the longevity of patagonia clothes, the lives they have lived and the importance of checking our consumerism.
reduce, reuse, recycle.
im so inspired by the title of this video: where can you go in an hour.
Why not go running for an hour, especially over watching netflix, sitting on my phone
They are just killing it with their video content these days, highly recommend.
- Favorite Song -
Twisted - molly SArlé
twisted is my favorite song and the music video is so beautiful, the opening reminds me of the time i stood in a field of wild sage and watched the sun set in wyoming, near the tetons. Maybe one of the most romantic moments of my life.
All Images From Google